April 23 Rec Newsletter

Just a couple of reminders for the month of April..
There is a make-up class for those who had pictures during their regular class time this Friday April 7th. Preschool classes will be from 10am to 11am
K thru 2nd grade classes will be from 2:30 to 3:30pm
3rd grade thru 6th grade will be 3:30 to 4:30pm
Teens can come to any of our technique classes, talk to Aubree or Tiffany to get a time.
The spring recital is Thursday May 25th at the Sandy Amphitheater. Show times will come out at the end of this month. (we will have 3 shows) You should have already paid your recital fee with your costume fee. If not please get that turned in asap. There is no admission this fee covers that.

We will start registration for next year and summer classes next week, so watch for that email to come out.
Remember tuition is due the first lesson of the month. You can pay with check, cash, cc or Venmo whichever is easiest for you.
Please make sure your child comes to class every week it really helps in not only their progression but also in how the class will perform as a whole. Make sure you come in appropriate dance clothes and shoes with your hair pulled up.
Only registered students are allowed in class.
Please follow the drop off procedure and be kind and patient with each other 😉 if you are parking to walk your child in please do not have them run alone across the parking spot and on Wed afternoon/evening please do not park in the spot closest to the fire hydrant on the south side where the cone is

blocking part of the spot, we need to save this spot for wheel chair accessibility.
Thank you so much for allowing us the opportunity to teach your children, we love each of them and are so excited to showcase what we have been learning. I will send home video’s and songs in the next couple weeks so they can practice at home.
If you have any questions or concerns please email me at tiffanydanceco06.@gmail.com
Thank you!!